Problem: Winds of Fortune (WoF) needed a UIUX designer to design a visual language for the game's interface that fits into the WoF universe. The client needed UIUX design, iconography implementation, and mobile/console/PC/Tablet compatibility.
Solution: Designed a visual language for WoF's UI and implemented all interfaces UI into Roblox Studio. Designed iconography and UI animation as well as UX reworks for client-provided wireframes.
Tools Used: Roblox Studio, Photoshop, Illustrator
Background: WoF is apart of Roblox's Game Fund program. With a team of over 20 developers, this is my first project involving such a big team. WoF currently has over 6.3 million play sessions and have been mentioned on The Verge. I worked on this project with their team for over 6 months.

Discovering the Possible Directions
After looking at the existing 3D design of the WOF world, I went for a red and black brush/texture with sleek glows and fades to balance the elements. I also established a style for the iconography with the lead concept artist on the team and then implemented the first design for the player inventory system into Roblox Studio.

Creating a More Immersive Interface
With the visual language complete, there were some mechanics that could have a more realistic design to make the experience more immersive.

Winds of Fortune is the most ambitious project I've worked on to this day. Their mechanics are very well developed and play into a massive universe that was created careful planning and design. Overall, I love the feel of the final product and how it contributed to the overall environment. I look forward to how Winds of Fortune will develop in the future.